Dabur Odomos Naturals Lotion contains natural benefits of Citronella and Aloe Vera and can be applied evenly on skin. It gives all- day protection from mosquitoes- in & out of home. The effect of the same lasts upto 12 hours and is even suitable for babies.
Know About Disease | August,17,2021
Since we all know monsoon is here, mosquitoes and mosquito bites will be common where there is stagnant water.
Know About Disease | September,20,2022
Monsoons are the most exciting times to enjoy your surroundings but it can be equally frightening too. Whether you are inside or o...
Know About Disease | August,17,2021
How many times have you shooed and slapped mosquitoes away who try to suck your blood? I believe all of us have done that but babi...
You might be under lockdown but disease-causing mosquitoes are not! Odomos guarantees 100% protection from dengue mosquitoes. #StayHome #StaySafe